Marine survey
Marine Cargo / Machinery damage survey
Major Bulk / Liquid Chemicals Loss or Damage survey
Container damage survey
Wharf collision survey and damage assessment
Oil pollution surveys
Marine incident investigation
Loss adjustment, Recovery, Salvage value processing
Loss prevention survey
Hull Marine survey
Vessel collision survey and investigation and damage assessment
Crew or stevedore injury investigation
Grounding investigations and damage assessment
Vessel or mechanical accident investigations
Hull, cargo hold and machinery damage inspections and evaluations
Vessel equipment damage survey and repair witness
Vessel purchase,scrapping inspection and evaluation
Debris Removal and Wreckage Disposal
Non-Marine survey
Survey and loss assessment inclusive all industrial products of its expertise extends broadly into construction and erection, mechanical and chemical engineering, energy and power, textile, logistic and family property
Value and risk assessment of insurance subject before coverage to be granted
Survey and loss assessment for fire, flood, snow disaster and related burglary insurance, machine damage risk, profit loss danger
Survey and loss assessment for Construction and Erection engineering
Accidental injury and health insurance investigation
Loss adjustment, Claims recovery investigations, subrogation and residual value disposal
Loss prevention survey